(Organic > Synthetic) + (People > Organization) = CBC
The church are believers. It is not a building, a club, or even a religious group. The true church of God knows no boundary of language, region, ethnicity or culture. It is all who have been regenerated by God unto life in His Son.
Thus, CBC will put emphasis and priority on presenting the church as a group of people rather than an entity. As such, things that happen organically (arise without prompting and are not officially sanctioned as a ministry of CBC) will be preferred over things that happen synthetically (things that are programmed and planned by the church leadership or organized as an official ministry of CBC) From budget to bible study, and church buildings to church rolls – the church will be less and less reliant on an organized entity and more and more independent as a collection of believers. All under the oversight of the Elders.

Foundations and more
We offer 4 services that are pre-planned and officially organized by the church as an entity.
Foundations class - Sundays 9 AM
Before Sunday Morning Worship, we have a class called Foundations. It is a class that operates somewhat like Sunday school but with one important difference. We do not divide into age groups. The material includes both children and adult questions and discussions. But in keeping with our mission, the content is designed to give fathers a prompt for discussions with their children throughout the week.
Sunday Morning worship begins at 10:30 AM
Wednesday Night Prayer and Bible Study 6PM
Held over Teams.
Youth Community Every other Sunday starting at 5:30PM
Governed by our vision, mission, and purpose, our youth community exists to come alongside the ministry of the parents to grow their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Youth community provides accountability and community to parents by encouraging daily bible study, bible memorization, songs, and prayer with their children, and promoting a dependance on one another for support and guidance. This is nothing like any other youth program you have ever seen and that is intentional!
Beyond these normally scheduled events, we have a myriad of bible studies, prayer groups, young adult and mom's hangouts. These arise from a felt need within our congregation and operate without administration by but with hearty support from the Elders.