We, the children of God, who have formed this church as one body, do seek to represent our Lord on this earth in these three ways.
Head: The primary battleground. Our culture is embroiled in a war of ideas. At the core of every movement, every policy, every organization is a philosophy and a worldview. At CBC, we have but one weapon in which to engage in battle. The Word of God. We desperately cling to the 66, God-breathed, infallible books within the Bible. We rely on the Spirit of God to illuminate us on the teachings of scripture as He has since the beginning of the church. We preach Christ and Him crucified for sinners.
Heart: This is the area in which we have very little impact. For men cannot change the inner being of another man. Only God can bring what was dead to life. Only God can act alone to save someone. So at CBC, we strive to search for the hearts that God is turning to Him. We desire to be a part of that process in whatever way we can. We desire to see people truly changed to be ambassadors of Christ.
Hands: We teach the message of God, communicated through His Son, empowered by His Spirit. We do so with our words and with our lives. Each of us are a living testament to the saving power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We were once blind, but now we see. We were once lost, but now have been found. We were once dead in our sins, but have now been made alive to righteousness.
This is who God is making us to be here at CBC.